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A B O U T  M E

My love for aviation, like for most people, started during my childhood. Ever since I was six, I have always enjoyed looking (and even more so flying on one!) at these massive metal birds that soar high in the skies and fly thousands of people daily. Something about these incredibly huge parts of an aircraft and how it all comes together and operates always has captivated me from the very beginning. I do very much recall when I was five or four, I ran up the long hallway leading to Changi's iconic Terminal 1 Viewing Mall to this gigantic tail section of a KLM's 747 (when KLM sent them down to Singapore -now it's the B777) and just admiring the massive size of the iconic Queen Of The Skies.


With that impact, the airport became a very special place to me - I was always looking forward to set off for the airport, even if I was not flying. I started off by watching planes and I gradually started taking pictures of the different types of aircraft coming into Singapore daily and created an Instagram page in 2015 (link below) dedicated solely to posting the aircraft which I have photographed. 


In all of this, Changi Airport's Terminal 1 Viewing Gallery was instrumental as it has given me and many other avgeeks the opportunity to view and photograph aircraft mere meters away from where we are standing. 











Up till today, I still continue to head down to terminal one and photograph the many different aircraft operated by many different airlines and post primarily on my Instagram page - do check that out!


That was a brief introduction about me - if you'd like to connect, drop me a message or email me (links are all the way at the bottom).
















Emirates B777

Changi's Terminal  One Viewing Mall gives you the opportunity to get close to the many aircraft that visit Changi Daily (Photo by Me)

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